Learn Welsh in Cilcain!
Welsh for Beginners : Llanllawen 1 Module 1 In Cilcain Village Hall Start date: 13/09/11 Day/time: Tuesday 13.30 - 15.30 Llanllawen – the FUN way to learn Welsh! Llawllawen is…
Welsh for Beginners : Llanllawen 1 Module 1 In Cilcain Village Hall Start date: 13/09/11 Day/time: Tuesday 13.30 - 15.30 Llanllawen – the FUN way to learn Welsh! Llawllawen is…
This weekend our own Craft group (who meet in the Hall every Monday) will be hosting the Cafe. Come to see spinning, needlework and painting on silk and a host…
Let's make plans for drama in the hall!A meeting with Stephanie and Sandra for all those interested in reviving adults' and young peoples' drama in Cilcain.We want your ideas!Play, Panto, Childrens'…
A date for your diary! Starting on September 12th Deeside College will be offering a course in Beginners Welsh in the Hall Committee Room on Tuesdays at 1.30 and in…
Next week, a group will meet to discuss plans for a weekly Community Cafe, planned to operate every Saturday from 2-5 p.m. To learn more about the proposal, look at…
We have created a new section of the site for visitors looking for walks around Cilcain. Please let us know of any walks you personally have discovered, or useful sites…